For another year, the QUARTER event provoked the people of Sofia to rediscover the cultural potential of the area, described by "Maria Luiza", "Dondukov", "Vasil Levski" and "Slivnitsa" boulevards.
We were also part of the participating provocateurs. We artistically responded to this year's theme "Secret Quarters", by revealing the secrets of cyanotype, linocut, and screen printing.
Nothing was left behind after our live demonstrations of these printing techniques. After them, some of Sito Studio's guests saw themselves in blue, thanks to Yani Ivanov. Others with the assistance of Ana Avramova (@mano.d.ana) became owners of neighborhood buildings, though only on paper. Still, others transferred the art to their clothes with the help of Nadezhda Georgieva.
For another year, the QUARTER event gave us the opportunity to run wild, for which we thank you, and we look forward to our following QUARTER initiatives!